September 11 Forever
My recollection of 9/11 is echoed by many; hearing the events unfold over the radio, seeing them become real on TV, feeling distant, helpless, and struggling to comprehend the moment. It was on my morning commute to the Best Buy Corporate office when the radio shared news of a ‘commuter plane accident’ in New York. The news of the small commuter plane rapidly evolved into images of billowing smoke on TV. As I entered the office, all were gathered around the TVs and watched the second plane hit. In silence, we starred in disbelief. In our hearts and minds we knew…this was no accident
That day brought fierce patriotism, and subsequent examinations of our country’s place and role in the world. Those emotions have evolved, matured and found new spaces over time, but have never really settled into one discreet feeling or statement. So I decided to dig thru the lunch bags I’ve created over the last three years and see what I’ve created. To see what the art would might tell me about our journey.
I was surprised to see the flags evolve from a vintage look, to ones full of color and altered shapes. Some of the images are drawn in celebration, others are intended to reflect current conversations regarding America, and Americans today. The art offers a place to reflect without words, on your own time, and terms. Whatever the images evoke within you, my hope is that we take this time to remember and recalibrating what matters in our hearts.
Below are a selection of bags that contain our flag or ideas that relate to it for reflection. You can click on the images to expand them.
A thought on 9/12
Our willingness to adapt, and learn, has served our nation well. That willingness has thrived within the constitutional framework, and Promise of America.
The framework, and the promise it is based upon, provide the opportunity for freedom in both economic and social exchange. It reinforces the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness, and the value of self-governance.
We may not exactly agree on how things are implemented, but we ought to agree on the value of individual freedom. Freedom to live unencumbered in our social and economic lives without needing permissions or approvals from others; individuals or government alike.
Each day presents an opportunity to think about how we want to move forward as individuals, and as a nation. We should be asking what parts of life do we celebrate, what parts do we seek to improve, and how? Can we unite around the constitutional framework that provides a path to freedom, individual liberty, and hold each other accountable? We have done so before, and can rally again.